Moreland Revenue Stamps
Moreland Revenue Stamps is proud to be a Canadian Stamp Dealer specializing in Canadian Revenue Stamps. The vast collection boasts a range of rare and unique items, ensuring that collectors can find something truly special. Dedication to providing exceptional customer service always puts the needs of the clients first.
For shipping costs, visit the Shipping Fees/Privacy Menu
Always looking to purchase choice stamps and collections.
e-Gift cards now available
LAYAWAY now available.
Contact for details.
LINKS to Revenue Stamp Related Sites
An Historical Reference List of the Revenue Stamps of the United States including the Private Die Proprietary Stamps - Boston Philatelic Society
An Introduction to Canadian Revenue Stamps - Christopher D. Ryan
BNAPS - British North American Philatelic Society
CSDA - Canadian Stamp Dealers Association
India State Revenues - A very useful site for all of India and India States
Canada Proposed Excise Stamping Requirements for Cannabis (Download from this site)
Telegraph Stamps of the World - This is the GO-TO for anything telegraph. The site-map is very useful. This site is just an incredible undertaking by Steve Panting.
Catalogue of the Federal Tobacco Stamps of Canada by Christopher Ryan - The most extensive reference Catalogue of Canadian Tobacco Stamps that you will find! Free download!